Squashing myths

The first step to acceptance is education. We want to squash the immense number of myths out there. Below are 5 of the most common myths about Tourette syndrome.

  1. Myth: Everyone with Tourette syndrome blurts out obscenities

    • Fact: Only 32% of people with tourettes have coprolalia (cursing involuntarily)

  2. Myth: All tic disorders are Tourette

    • Fact: Tics occur on a broad spectrum and everyone has their own triggers

  3. Myth: People with tic disorders can control their tics if they really want to.

    • Fact: Tics are impossible to control. There is no definitive cure but new cognitive therapies are constantly being developed to help improve cases.

  4. Myth: Tic disorders Inhibit people from having successful careers

    • Fact: There are numerous successful athletes and celebrities with tic disorders, such as David Beckham, Billie Eilish, Seth Rogan, and more.

  5. Myth: Tic disorders are extremely uncommon

    • Fact: Though studies vary, it is estimated that about 1-4% of adolescents has some form of tic disorder.

Source: Therecovervillage